Everyone knows dogs (and humans) need exercise to be happy and healthy. We all try to play with and walk our dogs as much as possible. But we also know that sometimes, life gets in the way, and that’s just not possible. Sometimes, we just can’t give our dogs as much exercise as they want or need. That’s when it’s a good idea to hire a pet sitter or dog walker, to help your dog get more exercise and be happier.

But don’t worry, your dog will tell you if they need more exercise! They can’t use words, but our furry friends definitely know how to communicate. And when they’re unhappy about something, they will absolutely let you know.

graphic with three circles down the left side. In each circle is a dog playing, running, or smiling. The text is white on a bright blue background and reads: how to know if your dog needs more exercise

Here are the signs a dog needs more exercise:

1. They become more destructive or rough.

This one is kind of obvious, and very similar to how human children behave! If your dog has too much energy and they can’t get rid of it productively, thorugh walks or play, they might become destructive. If your dog is playing much more roughly than normal, or they’ve started destroying things in your home, it could be a sign that they actually need more exercise. Your fur baby just needs to channel all of that energy productively so they won’t need to eat your sofa and hump your pillow. Investing in a dog walker just might save your furniture!

2. They become restless or annoying.

If your dog is constantly tugging at their leash when you walk them, it could be a sign that they need more or longer walks during the day. If they always seem to be seeking your attention and pestering you while you work from home, they could be trying to tell you that they need more exercise or attention. Excessive barking is another sign of a restless dog. I swear sometimes dogs just bark because they’re bored!! Hiring a dog walker or pet sitter in these situations could help you and your fur baby both feel a lot calmer and happier.

3. Gaining weight or being sluggish.

This one seems counterintuitive, because it may seem like your pet just doesn’t have the energy for more walks. But these could be signs that your dog is depressed or understimulated. In that case, they would benefit from more attention from a pet sitter or more exercise from a dog walker. Of course, these could also be signs that there’s something more going on with your dog, so if it continues, make sure to have them checked out by a veterinarian.

Do any of these sound familiar? Do you recognize these signs a dog needs more exercise? Don’t panic! You can hire a dog walker or pet sitter to help your dog get the exercise they need to be calmer and happier. Even just small changes to your dog’s routine can really help!

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